Satellite Orbit Simulator is an Exploratorium exhibit that needed some TLC.
We (Kaitlin and I) were assigned coding help from my fellow New Median, Eyal Shahar, and Eyal very quickly converted the Processing version (java) into p5.js (javascript) so we could put it on the web. An early prototype can be found below.
One of our ideas was to include graphs for the speed and distance each satellite is in comparison to the planet it was orbiting.
A problem from our first drawing was the middle console - the “Change Planet” button - invited in a third person to play the devil and change the planet.
This was not ideal, and also not covid approved, so we moved it. Yay modularity!
Left to Right: Kaitlin, Ben (our Engineer), and Annie, fellow Exhibit Developer
The Final Prototype before Engineering - as played by my co-partner Kaitlin
We were able to get visitor testing through the web prototype, but should have arranged sessions with members to get their true reaction. The information that the graphs provided was really vital to user understanding of how orbits work, but the experience is conflated with the game of the exhibit.
This exhibit also gave me the space to learn how p5 connects with the arduino and retrieves data from serial - a key piece that I would be needing later for City Power Grid.
By moving the Change Planet button up, and bringing the two user-kiosks closer, we prevent a third visitor from meddling with the selected planet.