The Sun did not come up. The Sky was not blue. Children could not ask “why is the sky blue?”, because it was the opposite of blue. It was orange.
I’m still angry and here’s my response to it.
I brought out this piece to the Golden Gate Park and watched how people reacted to it.
Many people took pictures of the conservatory though the orange lens. I’d say about 60% of the visitors immediately understood what the message was
Many children approached it and asked their parents what this meant - and the parents would remind their children about Orange Sky Day. They later came up to me and thanked me for putting this up (once they figured out who I was)
Among the visitors who didn’t get it, I heard responses such as “I don’t get it, it’s sunny?” lol.
One visitor commented on how the placement in front of the Conservatory monument was a nice touch.
And one passerby took pictures and shared it in their neighborhood’s facebook group. Turns out I had friends in that group and they told me about it! I love this city.
“The year is 2040.
Forest Fires rage during the whole summer. Corona virus never really went away. Americans are still not allowed to [enter other] countries, but they’re rigged immigration in their favor as things got bad. The elite have left years ago for brighter pastures when everything went online and never came back.
You’re visiting the art gallery the Future holds, to reminisce on past times and come across a moving portrait of 2020. You remember what those previous years were like - carefree but oppressive - the year you realized it.
You remember the memes - how 2020 was the worst year, how everything would be better in 2021. But things never got better…”
My biggest learning experience from putting this in front of the public was - visitors left scared and perhaps helpless.
My next iteration is joining forces with my roommate, Ildiko Polony, with her project Wildfires to Wildflowers, and creating an audio experience to share with people how habitat restoration has a positive influence on carbon sequestration and reversing the effects of climate change.
This was the view from our backyard
Hello, it’s future Sydney, bringing to you this art piece stolen from 2040. Please don’t let it become reality.
Fellow protestors in the park! This is Dave. We’re friends now.